
Well, it’s been a great couple of days for us Knicks fans – great couple days for the Knicks. They’re looking damned good out there, especially on Saturday night. Damn – Jeremy Lin is good.   But I don’t want to get too ahead of myself.

1. The Bucks can’t seem to lose these days. Five in a row.   And they’re playing the Portland Failblazers tomorrow.  So even if we win tomorrow against the Raptors for our…a…row, we’ll still be tied with the Bucks, which means we’re not tied with the Bucks.  We need them to start losing a few. Please.  Oh and we need to keep winning.

2.  But what team are we talking about? My beloved Knicks have made an art of heartbreak (the reason why I started this blog).  I mean while they were thrashing the Pacers in that awesome fourth quarter on Saturday night I actually and quite earnestly starting saying, “we could actually win this whole thing.” And by whole thing, I do mean the NBA Championship.  Who does that?  Who looks at a sub .500 team and thinks after a few wins that they could win it all?  Knicks fans.  That’s who. We are a delusional bunch.  Which reminds me. Remember this?


Calm down, calm down. You’re all red in the face! Are you okay?  Looks like you might have a stroke or something buddy.  Here’s some water.  It was just a little stroll down memory lane to keep me honest. That’s all. Okay I apologize.  Let’s continue.

There are some very real reasons to be very optimistic:

Did you go outside today?  It was 72 degrees and sunny! In March. It’s still officially winter people! Wow – everyone in New York is just a little bit happier when it’s warm and sunny.  I wore a tee shirt today! I was hot in my hoodie.  That’s reason enough to be positive. What about the Knicks you might ask? Yes, yes.  Well, we only play one more Western Conference team for the rest of the season.   This is very positive. Carmelo is playing defense. I love when that dude decides to play defense.  He needs to keep on doing that.   Jeremy is just playing great.  Oh and Amar’e hasn’t forgotten how to dunk.

Other things: tomorrow’s game against the Raptors at home is very winnable and winnable in the kick-ass fashion we’ve become accustomed to over the last three games.  After that, we play first place Philly – in their house. I want that game. Badly.  It would send a strong message and go very far to convincing me, you, the whole world that this is for real.  That Mike Woodson and his no-shit approach is just what this team needs.  But the Sixers are playing very well right now so it’ll be tough.  Then up north to Toronto, then Detroit (two games we need to win if we lose against the Sixers – but again I don’t want to even entertain that thought. We will beat the Sixers – right?), then our all important game against the Bucks. It pretty much goes on and on like this for the rest of the season. In short – every single game from here on is the most important game of the season. Every game.

Good news is the Knicks seem to realize this too.